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iconRetrospection and Prospection [   March  2024 ]


The current committee of the Thai Rubber Association has been in charge of the operation since 2022. The operation of the committee is based on the following principles: 1) to operate on the principle of transparency and good governance; 2) to corporate with government agencies and the private sector both at the local and international level; 3) to cherish close relationships with other rubber-producing countries, particularly in ASEAN; 4) to act as an intermediary in coordinating between manufacturers and consumers, including finding solutions to problems arising in the rubber business for the mutual benefit of both; 5) to build corporations and relationships among association members for sustainable development of the rubber industry; 6) to ensure that the members are promptly informed of all the news and information; 7) to build a good image for the association to be locally and internationally recognized as well as to promote a good image of Thai natural rubber as a whole in the world market.

The committee is pleased and highly honored that all members trust our team to lead such an internationally significant private rubber organization. The Thai Rubber Association (TRA) has continuously improved its operation and developed human resources to serve as representatives of the association and to deliver good services to the members efficiently and promptly for the highest satisfaction of every member. The committee is highly dedicated to the operation of the association, with the support of all the members, giving success to all activities of the association. Throughout the operation, the current committee and staff represented the association in several meetings, seminars, and conferences to voice opinions, solutions, and measures to government agencies as well as the private sector. In cooperation with government agencies, TRA acts as a member of the Committee on Natural Rubber Policy and Sub-Committee on the 20-Year Rubber Development Strategy. In cooperation with the private sector, TRA is a committee of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. TRA is also a Trade Environment Committee under the Thai National Shipper’s Council. In terms of product standards, TRA acts as a member of the Committee on Consideration of Agricultural Product Standard for Natural Rubber and Rubber Products under the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards, Committee on Natural Rubber and Rubber Products under the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). On the research front, TRA also serves as a member of the Expert Group of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA). Other activities include participating in seminars as a speaker on the main topic of Thailand rubber industry, both at the local and international stages, making suggestions and policies, and reporting up-to-date rubber news and information to TRA members. In this regard, TRA is honored to act as the Chairman and Executive Secretary of the International Rubber Association (IRA) since 2021. Moreover, TRA acts as one of the Board of Directors (BoD) of the International Rubber Consortium Limited (IRCo) and one of the committees of the International Tripartite Rubber Council (ITRC). Additionally, TRA is a member of the ASEAN Rubber Business Council (ARBC).

The Thai Rubber Association committee, sub-committee, and staff have implemented activities as well as coordinated with related agencies at both the local and international levels to solve members’ problems in various significant issues, as follows: 1) The first matter is the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR). TRA Representatives have attended meetings with various related agencies, such as the Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT), the EU representatives, Thailand's Department of Trade Negotiations, the Board of Trade of Thailand, and Thai National Shippers' Council, to follow up periodically on the progress of preparations for the EU Deforestation-Free Products Regulation and other related matters so that members can prepare to comply with the EUDR law, which will come into effect in early 2025; 2) The second matter is the International Contract for Preserved Latex in Drums, which has been approved and is effective on January 1, 2023; and 3) The last matter is the draft of International Contract for Bulk Latex, which has been approved by ASEAN Rubber Business Council (ARBC). It will be proposed to the International Rubber Association (IRA) in the IRA Management Committee Meeting on May 11, 2024, in Bangkok in conjunction with the TRA Annual Dinner 2024.

In conclusion, all the activities above play an important role in the country’s natural rubber development. On behalf of the Thai Rubber Association committee, I wish to thank all members and sectors concerned for the support and cooperation in the development of the association to achieve continued success.

Mr. Chaiyos Sincharoenkul
The Thai Rubber Association

Mr. Chaiyos Sincharoenkul